Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mini's First Flight

Here's a pic of Mini on her flight back from Florida.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Juliet and a Bottle of Wine - 16 Weeks!

16 weeks and still crazy cute if we do say so are a couple shots taken no more than 2.5 seconds apart.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sittin' Pretty

Tired of laying around the house with all the rain, Mini took advantage of a short dry spell to do some serious sitting out in the back while dad planted the winter veggies. We think she liked it...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mini and a Bottle of Wine - 15 Weeks!

Can you all believe it? 15 weeks old and giving that bottle a run for its money. The shirt is oh-so-appropriate...if it weren't for them Tar Heels, she wouldn't be around at all!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mini Goes to Florida!

Mama and Mini came along with Joey on a business trip to beautiful South Florida. Mini had her first plane ride, her first giant hotel bed, her first tropical walk on the beach, and her first swim in a resort pool, where she was AT LEAST 70 years younger than the average swimmer. She also got to meet her Great Grandma! Pictures of that forthcoming...

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mini and a Bottle of Wine - 14 Weeks!

Ok, so this one is a little delayed, but 14 weeks was worth waiting for, no? Had a doc appt today too...she came in at 12 lbs 15 oz...around the 60 percentile. Around 50 for the head and a whopping 99.7 in height!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Power Nap

Just seconds after a brutal workout (see previous post), mini collapses in dad's arms.

Power Lifting

With an IronMama pushing her on, mini does her 16th pushup. We have her push up and then clap, marine style. Next week we'll have her on the hanging situp machine...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Mini Visitors!

Mini had a busy day on Sunday, including visits from Aunties Kate and Ladybird. Ladybird is the one with the tongue!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Juliet and a Bottle of Wine - 12 Weeks!

Happy New Year and Mini is 12 weeks old! Check her out modeling her new shirt - oh so true, though a bit off-color to some (hehe).